7 Spring Event Ideas For Your HOA
There are lots of fun, easy events that can attract all types of homeowners and get them interacting with one another. These 7 tips will help you on your way to building a sense of community in your neighborhood.
There are lots of fun, easy events that can attract all types of homeowners and get them interacting with one another. These 7 tips will help you on your way to building a sense of community in your neighborhood.
Finding good volunteers can be difficult and keeping them engaged in your work is even harder. Focus on growing relationships with your volunteers so they have a fulfilling experience and become long-term supporters.
Teachers work hard! From comforting children when they’re upset to instilling life lessons, teachers do it all. This Christmas, consider stuffing your teacher’s stocking with some helpful and much-appreciated gifts
Serving on a homeowner’s association board is a difficult task. There are several common problems that can easily be avoided with some helpful tips.
Need to collect money for registrations, fees, spirit wear, and fundraisers? It’s now easier than ever to accept payments with LumaPay, Membership Toolkit’s new technology powered by Stripe. The tool simplifies
Accounting can be a difficult subject that requires some background knowledge to get right. But with these simple tips, you are on your way to fulfilling your fiduciary duty for your Homeowners Association.
Bylaws are necessary for the operation of our parent teacher organizations yet when is the last time you set eyes on them much less referenced them when a dilemma came up?
Luckily, it’s not hard to update bylaws or even start from scratch. And once you’re done, bylaws can be your best friend when it comes to sticky situations.
Your PTA needs volunteers…and lots of them. Your organization quite simply wouldn’t run without them. However, finding volunteers can be a challenge. Your members WANT to help but may need a little encouragement to sign up.
Peer-to-peer fundraising can be a powerful strategy to have in your PTA’s tool belt. But, if you’ve never participated in one, it’s good to take a step back and find out the basics.
Many schools across the country are making efforts to emphasize friendship and kindness on Valentine’s Day instead of romantic love. We have tips and ideas for hosting a Friendship Week at your