You’ve heard the saying “it takes a village”. Well, it takes an entire community to raise a child. Schools alone can’t prepare students for productive adulthood. Families, schools and communities can work together toward common goals where everyone contributes and everyone wins, especially the child. In order for communities to attract new residents and businesses, enhancing local education is key and grass roots efforts in communities can help students be successful. We have some activities schools and communities can participate in in order to build a partnership that benefits all.
For Schools:
- Arrange a fundraising night at a local restaurant. This is a great way to let your families know of local businesses that support your school and is a great way to fundraise.
- Encourage use of school facilities by the community. Reach out to local civic chapters or organizations like Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts or local churches that don’t have meeting space.

- Participate in community projects like park beautification or food drives.
- Host a Career Day each year. Reach out to the community for speakers and mentors.
- Know your families. Do they have interesting jobs, experiences, cultures they can share with the students? What are the different cultures represented? Do you have military families that can share a different experience or point-of-view?
For Communities:
- Promote stewardship by hosting a volunteer day with schools.
- Have the local paper print student articles or names of Honor Roll students.Make an initiative to improve public areas with better green spaces, street lighting and walking paths.
- Build sociable parks where parents and students can gather to build relationships.
- Consider being a corporate sponsor for a local school.

A strong sense of community can increase quality of life in an area by strengthening relationships and fostering good will. Where there is community spirit, you will also find better education, strong sense of civic duty and volunteerism, and accountablility. Everyone wins!