Does your HOA need a website? YES! The way we communicate has changed drastically in recent years. Gone are the days of flyers stuck in doors or expensive, bulky mailings in order for your members to vote on a new board. People today want their information at their fingertips–websites, apps, and social media. In order to reach more of your members faster, we have 10 ideas to get your website up and running.
Start With the Basics
You might assume that your members know all of the basics about you but you may be surprised. It’s important to keep all of the basics together for new members or for those looking at areas in which to buy a house. Things to include are:
Goals for the Year
Meeting Dates and Locations
Necessary Forms
All Past Newsletters

The Board
Show your members who you are and what you do. They are more likely to support you and volunteer when they see the board is made of people just like them.

Members names with contact information
A letter from the current president
Pictures/Bios of board
Open positions with contact information
List of Sponsors with Contact Information
A great way to raise funds for your organization is to ask neighborhood businesses to sponsor your HOA. Set aside a specific spot on your website for them to advertise. Some ideas of good businesses to approach are:
Local Plant and Flower Nurseries
Neighborhood Restaurants
Plumbers, Electricians, Tree Removal

Reminders for the Neighborhood
Trash and Recycling Schedules
Water Restrictions
Bulk Pick Up
Links to Local Important Information

Link to Report Streetlight Outages
Crime Reports
Mayor and City Council Member Contacts
Local School Information
Names and Type of School
Official Websites and Social Media links
Upcoming Events
Trash & Recycling dates
Water Restriction days
National Night Out

Members Only Page
It’s important to keep sensitive information secure and have a page that is exclusively for the benefit of your members and restricted to members only.
Include the following:
- Minutes from previous meetings
- Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs)
- Financial Reports
- Secure Directory
Volunteer Opportunities

Post volunteer opportunities
Signups for events or potlucks
Communication is essential for good participation and engagement. Make sure there are many avenues through which your members can get information.
Include links to your Facebook and Twitter pages if you have them.
Include email links to contact board members.
Clear access to members-only directory.
Having a website can help your HOA save money by eliminating costly printing and mailing costs, and gives your volunteers back their time to do things other than administrative work. Your members will appreciate having one place with all the information they need at their fingertips including forms, newsletters, documents and a secure directory. See how Membership Toolkit can help and schedule a demo.
Check out our Pinterest Board for more ideas for your HOA.